Our Club will commemorate this day with a ceremony on January 19, which is our General meeting and we are also sponsoring an NGC Standard Flower Show. Don’t miss out on the exciting activity at our Club!! See you there!!
October Horticulture Highlight
Bonnie Hansen spoke at our past Garden Club meeting about Butterfly Pea Vine, an Indonesian plant that has bright cobalt blue flowers and does well as an annual in Central Florida. It is a small vine that does not get woody. It has medicinal properties and the flowers can be brewed into a blue tea or lemonade. When you add the lemon it changes color. The tea has anti-anxiety properties and can function as a sleep aid. It is not very flavorful by itself. It can get spider mites, which can be sprayed off with a hose. It can grow in a pot or on a fence in full sun.
Standard Flower Show Coming in January
UF/ IFAS Extension Garden Festival and Plant Sale
FFGC Dist VII Meeting
FFGC District VII held its Fall Meeting at the FFGC headquarters in Winter Park at the end of October. Many of our members attended. The meeting was entertaining and informative!
Florida Federation of Garden Clubs officers attended and shared news about the 100th anniversary celebrations coming up next year. Local clubs reported on their activities.
The “Garden Inspired” hat contest was a big hit! Our member, Ruth Heine, showed off a fun creation along with other clubs. The Winner created a stunning display of fresh greenery and flowers from her garden, Vicki represents the Windermere Garden Club.