Bonsai is Art

In February the Orlando Garden Club’s Lake Silver Shores Circle members learned about the art of Bonsai.Robert Kempinski is an internationally renowned Bonsai grower. He travels the world appreciating the art of Bonsai as perfected in different countries and cultures. He lives in the Melbourne area.

Suggested Species

Kempinski suggests a few plant species for growing Bonsai. He says it is best to use trees that grow well where you live. Plants that grow well here may not grow well in Melbourne where he lives, for example,

Salt Bush. This plant grows very slowly and is malleable. It may grow better in Melbourne than in Central Florida.

Cedar Elm -This is an example of a tree that grows well up north, it needs cold weather. If you grow a Bonsai with Cedar Elm you will have to have it indoors all the time. This tree won’t have leaves until March.

Sea Hibiscus. This plant has fast growing roots. By trimming, it gives smaller leaves.

Juniper Trees. Kempinski says these are great for bonsai. He has one growing since 1998. “There’s no such thing as an instant bonsai,” he said. They grow slowly.

Florida Elm – This tree has small leaves and grows well in a pot. He has one that is 20 years old.

A Few Important Points

  • You can copy designs and then try your own designs.
  • Bonsai started in China then emigrated to Japan during the Chinese cultural revolution.
  • Kempinski says, “Styles are a human affliction,” trees don’t care about style.
  • The secret to growing Bonsai is using granular soil, not potting soil.